While a brief unpleasant vaginal odor before showering is normal, a scent strong enough to be noticeable through your pants may suggest other underlying issues.
Understanding the causes and solutions can help you manage and eliminate this issue.
5 Main Smell Types and Common Causes
1. Fishy Smell
You’re not alone, many women have thought to themselves, “I can smell myself through my pants”. If you suddenly notice a fishy smell after sex or during your day at the office or university, you are not alone.
A vaginal fishy smell is a distinct, often unpleasant odor that resembles the scent of rotting fish. Some women and men describe the fishy smell as similar to the foul, rotten odor of salmon or tuna.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
This type of odor is typically associated with Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), a common vaginal infection caused by an imbalance in the natural bacteria found in the vagina. BV often causes a strong, fishy smell, which can be noticeable through your pants or thighs.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal discharge among women of reproductive age. It occurs when there’s an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.
Other Causes
I you smell fishy down there, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. A strong, fishy or foul odor can also be a sign of a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI) such as Trichomoniasis. For this disease, some people experience subtle symptoms like a yellow or green vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell.
2. Sour Smell
A sour or acidic smell is typically associated with the natural pH balance of the vagina. While a mild acidic odor can be normal, a strong acidic smell might indicate an imbalance.
Yeast Infection
While yeast infections like thrush are more commonly associated with itching and discharge, they can also lead to an unusual smell. This odor is usually milder but depending on women, it can still be noticeable. The discharge associated with yeast infection is often white, creamy or clumpy, like curd.
3. Onion Smell
Certain foods and physical activity can cause your body to emit a onion-like odor that might be noticeable through your pants.
Certain foods, like garlic, onions, and spices, can affect your vaginal scent, making you feel you smell like onions down there. If you or your partner notice a change in your vaginal smell after consuming these foods, they might be the culprit.
The genital area has numerous sweat glands. Excessive sweating, especially in tight clothing, can mix with bacteria and cause an odor.
4. Iron Smell
An iron-like smell is often linked to menstruation and is usually completely normal. The presence of blood, which contains iron, can give off a metallic scent that might be noticeable through your pants.
During your period, the combination of blood and vaginal fluids can produce a distinct iron or metallic smell. This is typically normal but can be more noticeable if menstrual hygiene products are not changed frequently.
Other Causes
In rare cases, a foul or metallic-smelling discharge may be an indication of cervical or uterine cancer. If you experience unusual bleeding with the metallic discharge, you should always talk to a doctor.
5. Ammonia Smell
An ammonia-like smell can be particularly concerning and is often due to sweat or urine mixing with vaginal discharge.
Poor Hygiene
Inadequate personal hygiene can lead to a build-up of sweat and bacteria, which might result in an unpleasant smell. It’s essential to wash the genital area with mild soap and water daily and wear clean underwear.
Other Causes
If you notice an ammonia-like vaginal odor, it might be due to urine involvement. This can occur if you have a Urinary Tract infection. If you have pain while urinating, we recommend you to consult with your healthcare provider to determine whether you might have UTI.
Solutions to Reduce Vaginal Odor

1. Good Hygiene
There are several home remedies to reduce strong vaginal odor. The first rule is maintaining good hygiene. It is recommended to the genital area with warm water and a gentle cleanser.
It’s important to avoid douching, as it can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. You might feel inclined to use douches or vaginal deodorants to reduce odor, but these products can actually exacerbate the smell and lead to irritation and other vaginal issues.
Remember that many doctors recommend using just plain water because vagina is self-cleaning.
2. Breathable Clothing
Wearing breathable, cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes can help reduce sweating and allow the area to stay dry. Opt for breathable facbris while working out at a gym or going for a run. These steps can significantly reduce odor.
3. Dietary Adjustments
If you notice a pattern between your diet and vaginal odor, consider switching to a more balanced diet. The right nutrition will help you get enough minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and other nutrients that can boost your immunity and reduce the risk of vaginal discomfort and infections. Drinking plenty of water can also help flush out odor-causing toxins.
4. Probiotics For Women
Probiotics can help maintain the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina. Both yogurt and kefir are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance of microflora in the vagina.
5. Medical Treatment
If you suspect you have BV, a yeast infection, a STI or a UTI, it’s essential to seek medical treatment. Over-the-counter medications are available, but a healthcare professional can provide the best advice and treatment plan.
6. Regular Check-Ups
Regular gynecological check-ups can help detect any issues early. Discuss any concerns you have with your healthcare provider.
Can Others Notice My Smell Down There?
“I can smell myself through my pants, can others too?” You yourself can smell your bodily odors easily, while others might not detect anything at all. While it’s natural to worry, your scent is often less noticeable to others than it feels to you.
Personal scents are generally mild and masked by clothing. However, if an odor becomes particularly strong or persistent, it might be detectable in very close proximity, especially in warm or confined spaces. If this is a concern, consider breathable fabrics and regular hygiene practices, and consult a professional if the odor remains strong.
Bottom Line
While it might be completely normal to have a brief unpleasant odor down there, a strong vaginal odor that persists through clothes for a longer period might be a red flag. We want you to keep in mind that it’s a common issue – you’re not alone – and it has several possible causes.
First, you should start with evaluating the smell: is it fishy, foul, sour or can it be linked to any other smell. Addressing the underlying cause, maintaining good hygiene, wearing breathable clothing, and seeking medical advice can help eliminate the odor.