Let's Say Goodbye to
Your Broken Vagina.

Our vaginal Health space is waiting for you.


You're in the right place

Hey, welcome!

I’m happy to have you here.

Let me guess—we have 3 things in common:

  1. We both have a vagina.
  2. We know that vaginal infections are the worst.
  3. And we both desire healthy intimate health, for good.

I know your recurrent vaginal issues have cost you frustration, pain, sleepless nights, tears, and a lot of money. 

I’m glad you’re in the right place. I have something that will help you.

But first, let me quickly tell you my story.

After struggling with BV and yeast infection symptoms for 18 months, it felt like an endless fight. I felt ashamed to go back to my OB/GYN for the 10th time with the same symptoms, despite following the treatment plan.

There is something genuinely wrong with my health, I thought in despair. Googling every possible condition out there made me panic, and completely lose my mind. (Does it sound familiar to you?) 

I almost started to believe that a broken vagina was just my new reality. Until something happened.

Having already lost all hope, I went to my 35th gynecologist appointment. The new treatment plan finally started working. Getting my old life back gave me so much energy that I became obsessed with learning everything about vaginal and hormonal health.

I also learned that there is no single magic pill for restoring vaginal health. It’s a complex world that requires a combination of professional guidance, nutrition, exercise and mindfulness techniques.

Intimate health is a priority. An unbalanced vaginal microbiome can impact every part of your life. It can damage your career and relationships, take a toll on your mental health, and ruin your sex life.

There’s no one-size-fits-all remedy. Every vagina is unique, and what works for one woman might not work for you. There are countless options out there, but not all of them work—and some can even make things worse.

This is why I felt the urgency to create Vagwell—a safe place where every woman can get real help with common vaginal infections and never feel alone.

I want you to get the help you need, feel supported, and truly glow up.

I’m excited to have you join us!


Founder of Vagwell

It's Time To Fight Vaginal Infections Together

Become a member of Vagwell  Space

Vagwell join us

Vagwell Space Gives You Access To:


Get access to 1:1 calls with OB/GYNs and weekly AMAs with medical experts​

vagwell consultation

Supportive Community

Get support from our safe, expert-moderated community dedicated only to vaginal health

vagwell community

Personalized Resources​

Unlock dozens tailored tools such as treatment guides, vaginal health calendar and product reviews

vagwell resources

Vagwell helps women fight vaginal infections with expert guidance.



Answers to your most frequently asked questions.
If you have any other questions, feel free to write to us at hello@vagwell.com.

If you are looking for guidance and support with recurring vaginal infections, then Vagwell is for you.

We provide women with expert-backed advice and innovative tools that save time and money.

Vagwell Space is waiting for you! This is your go-to supportive community where you can share your intimate health struggles and get real help.

Joining is completely free. Just fill in the application to become member on this website. If you’re the right fit, we will send you an access invitation.

All our content is created in collaboration with medical specialists and health experts.

We continuously seek the latest scientific research on women’s health.

We have designed simple, online quizes to help you identify potential health concerns.

After answering a few questions, you’ll receive personalized insights and recommendations on what to do next.

Our courses cover various topics related to women’s intimate health, including menstrual health, sexual wellness, menopause, vaginal care, and more.

Each course is led by a healthcare professional.

We are currently preparing our courses together with healthcare professionals.

In the meantime, you can request access to Vagwell Space—the first  online community that helps to solve common vaginal infections.

Vagwell is a supportive resource for women’s health, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Vagwell is an independent women-founded online community and support center.

Our content is developed in collaboration with medical specialists and health experts.

All of the information that is shared with Vagwell Space, is 100% confidential and will only be available to Vagwell.