Our Mission

We exist to accompany women with vaginal infections because we know how frustrating they can be.

The Why

Our story comes from real life.

A young, healthy woman in her 30s struggled with recurring vaginal infections for more than 1.5 years.

After spending hundreds of hours scouring the internet—from Reddit to Facebook groups—visiting 15 different gynecologists, and trying all possible home remedies and over-the-counter solutions, she found herself alone with symptoms that kept coming back. 

When she finally found the right solution and her symptoms faded, she decided to turn her experience into something positive by helping other women.

This is how Vagwell was born.

vagwell about us

What is Vagwell?

Vagwell is an online health hub focused on helping women with recurrent intimate health issues. 

Our team is dedicated to saving women from the pain and confusion linked to recurring vaginal infections. 

We provide women with expert-backed advice and innovative tools that save time and money— helping them become experts of their intimate health.

vagwell about

Your Safe Space

We have created a space where no woman has to face intimate health challenges alone but gets:

  • A supportive community to share experiences and learn from each other
  • Guidance from trusted gynecologists and health experts
  • Carefully reviewed recommendations for products that actually work